Garden event at the castle of Grand Bigard

Once again, Photoresk Brussels attended the yearly Floralia event, the spring flower exhibition and the greenhouses at the castle of Grand Bigard. The day was sunny and popular among our members. We carpooled to the park and had a nice picnic by the greenhouses. Similar, yet smaller, compared to the Keukenhof gardens in the Netherlands, […]

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Keukenhof (NL) spring 2016

A meetup was planned for Keukenhof early April 2016. Due to the cold spring, it was uncertain how many flower fields would be blooming and and if it would be worth a 400 km drive. So in the end we cancelled the meetup, but drove over with a few friends to see what’s going on! […]

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Macro photography using extension tubes

If you are starting with macro photography, you may start looking for the right equipment. Maybe you have a point-and-shoot camera or any other camera with an build in fixed lens, then you probably have an macro mode of the camera. For cameras with interchangeable lenses, like Nikon, Canon or Sony you can buy very […]

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Prime Time for good old stuff

Prime-Lens for the mirrorless The new mirrorless system cameras can deliver outstanding quality. However, sometimes it lacks of interesting lenses. If you don’t need autofocus and you can live perfectly with aperture priority – just adopt your good old stuff (or find something used). Adapter are available on a variety of lens / camera combinations […]

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