Photoresk Photo Talk

Happy New Year 2024 everybody! The subjects for this get together will be: Party, Joy, Light. Bring up to 5 of your interesting photos and join! Photography is power! We also will see a 10-minute presentation on the subject of social documentary photography prepared by Astrid!          

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This is the time of the year in the northern hemisphere with the shortest days where everyone enjoys the warms of a fireplace or candles. Join us at the next Photoresk Photo Talk and show us your most beautiful and interesting photos about light!  

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Things of Beauty

the theme of the evening will be things of beauty what’s nice for you, what kind of beauty did you capture? A person, a tree, jewels – show us your photos and we’ll discuss Our group for the evening can vary in size. You can be prepare to show up to ten photos (or less […]

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For our bi weekly online photo enthusiast meeting (Photoresk photo talk) we have changing challenges. The next challenge we will have is to come up with a few pictures that are taken in 21 to 9 or another wide-angle format. This can be achieved in various ways. Please write an announcement for our website ChatGPT […]

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Photoresk Photo Talk

New! Next time we will have a   Photoresk Visual Storytelling Challenge Continue the Visual Tale! How to Participate: Start with the Mystery Photo: Observe the image (the Mystery Photo). It’s the beginning of a visual story. Add Your Part: Use your camera to capture a photo that continues the narrative of the Mystery Photo. […]

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