Combined Analysis of Alternatives for Organizing Meetups Overview With the rising costs and data privacy concerns associated with platforms like, many organizers are exploring alternatives to manage their in-person and virtual meetups. Both reports examine a variety of open-source and proprietary platforms, along with communication tools that can facilitate community engagement and event management. […]
Photoresk Photo Talk
Online Event Hello, Photo Enthusiasts! Join us for “an evening about Photography” We will have another casual evening taking about photography, techniques and experiences. The subject of the evening will be “The world seen through my favourite lens” (last meeting we decided to postpone it to the 10. September) Bring 5 pictures to present and […]
Photoresk Photo Talk
Online Event Hello, Photo Enthusiasts! Join us for “an evening about Photography” We will have another casual evening taking about photography, techniques and experiences. The subject of the evening will be “Black & White” (last meeting we decided to postpone it to the 10. September) Bring 5 pictures to present and discuss!
Photoresk Photo Talk
Online Event Hello, Photo Enthusiasts! Join us for “an evening about Photography” We will have another casual evening taking about photography, techniques and experiences. The subject of the evening will be “Monuments” (last meeting we decided to postpone it to the 10. September) Bring 5 pictures to present and discuss!
Photoresk Photo Talk
Online Event Hello, Photo Enthusiasts! Join us for “an evening about Photography” We will have another casual evening taking about photography, techniques and experiences. Bring 5 pictures to present and discuss!
Photoresk Photo Talk Copy
Art: Online Event Hello, Photo Enthusiasts! Join us for “Art Photography” We will have another casual evening taking about photography, techniques and experiences. Bring 5 pictures showing “Art” (in any way)!
Photoresk Photo Talk
Sports: Online Event Hello, Photo Enthusiasts! Join us for “Sport Photography” We will have another casual evening taking about photography, techniques and experiences. Bring 5 pictures showing “Sports”!
Photoresk Photo Talk
The theme for our next online meeting: Public Transport: Trams, Buses, Trains, Stations, Travelers, etc. Please bring up to 5 pictures related to this theme to share and discuss. We look forward to seeing your creative interpretations!
Photoresk Photo Talk
Performing (art): Online Event Hello, Photo Enthusiasts! Join us for “Performing (art)” We will have another casual evening taking about photography, techniques and experiences. Bring 5 pictures showing “Performance”, be it you favourite artist, highlights form an event or a spectator shown in the picture, it’s up to you.
Photoresk Photo Talk
Shadows: Online Event Hello, Photo Enthusiasts! Join us for “Shadows” Event Features: Shadows Showcase: Share photos where shadows give the special note! Stories Behind Photos: Learn how others took their best shadow shots, the techniques they used.